Key Stage 1-5
5-17 years old
The primary school at Star Al Twar includes children in Year 1 – Year 6 and is separated into two phases: Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6).

Our primary school promotes an enjoyment of learning and a commitment to learning and achieving.
Learning approach
Throughout all areas of the Primary curriculum, children are challenged to apply their knowledge and understanding in a wide range of contexts. Children are encouraged to think critically and talk openly about their learning. Self-reflection is a vital skill in the learning process; through self and peer assessment students actively seek to improve their own work and make progress. The development of self-confidence enables children to take ownership of their work, to solve problems and to undertake new tasks and challenges.
The key subject include
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Arabic Islamic Studies (Muslim students)
Social Studies
Moral Education
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic)
French (KS2)
Physical Education (including Swimming)
The key subject include

Cross-curricular subjects
The Primary curriculum is taught through discrete subjects with cross curricular links throughout to consolidate learning. The core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and ICT are taught separately, while Geography, History, Music, Art and PSHE are taught thematically within creatively planned topic lessons. This themed approach provides a meaningful context for learning which engages the children and makes learning interesting and fun.